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Filtering by Tag: tart

Apple Tart

Andrew Soucier

2.5 cups walnuts

1.5 cups dates -firm not gooey

3 tart apples

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp allspice

1/8 tsp ground clove

2 TBS maple syrup

1/2 cup apple cider

1/4 cup raisins 

  1. Combine walnuts and dates in food processor. Process until well mixed and ground, but not smooth. About 40 seconds. It should be a coarse texture when done. Press evenly into a 9 inch tart pan. Set in refrigerator while making the filling.
  2. Core and slice apples in 1/4 inch thick slices.
  3. Place apples in a large skillet with rest of the ingredients and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently on medium heat.
  4. Remove apples with a slotted spoon from hot pan to a bowl and cool completely. 
  5. Reduce liquid to about half the volume. 
  6. Spread apples evenly over crust. Brush syrup over apples. Can be served right away or will keep in refrigerator until needed.

Adapted from World's Healthiest Foods