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Collection and Use of Personal Information

Fullest Life Chiropractic is committed to protecting your privacy. We collect personal information, such as your cell phone number, to provide text messaging services for various purposes, including notifications, customer service, and marketing communications.

Sharing of Personal Information

We do not share, sell, or disclose your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent, except where required by law. Your information is kept confidential and used solely for the purposes you have agreed to.

Opting Out of Text Messages

You have the right to opt out of receiving text messages from Fullest Life Chiropractic at any time. To opt out, you can reply “STOP” to any text message you receive from us. Alternatively, you can contact our customer service team directly to request removal from our text messaging list.

Consent and Opt-In

By Providing your phone. number and opting in to recieve text messages, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as described in this policy. We ensure that your consent is obtained explicitly, and you are informed about the types of messages you will receive.