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Why us?

Our integration of clinical nutrition, Applied Kinesiology and chiropractic makes us unique to the Rochester, NY area.

The selection of a health care professional is extremely personal.

It requires trust, honesty, confidence and understanding — not just the doctor’s knowledge and expertise. Dr. Nicholai’s patients describe him as friendly, compassionate, helpful, kind, creative, knowledgable, and very easy to work with. 

Fullest life is unique because we integrate nutrition, applied kinesiology and chiropractic — a combination hard to find in our area that offers many tools to address a wide variety of health concerns. Our approach to care is inclusive, working with you as a whole person. Dr. Nicholai treats patients, not conditions.

Dr. Nicholai may additionally bring elements of massage therapy, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, cranial techniques, herbal therapy, and emotional support to your treatment. You’ll appreciate the financial benefit of not having to pay separate providers for each of these, as well as the health benefit of his expertise in using all of these disciplines to move you toward your health goals. 


Dr. Nicholai treats patients, not conditions.