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Adding and removing foods from our diets is one of the most powerful ways to promote health. We'll help you understand what your body should -- and shouldn't -- use as fuel.

Food, the wonderful fuel for our bodies, can also pose health challenges. Food sensitivities (to substances like gluten and dairy), sugar addiction and digestive problems are commonly addressed at Fullest Life with great success. One of the biggest benefits our patients experience comes through helping them change their relationship with food. When this happens, patients lose weight, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lower pain and inflammation and ultimately reach many other health and life goals. 

Digestion is the foundation of all of your health.

Every nutrient you need to thrive is absorbed there (or should be). 75% of your immune system is found in your gut. 

You might be surprised by the large role nutrition and the gut also play in overall health. Addressing it can benefit a wide range of issues, from chronic sinus infections and acne to IBS and painful joints. We are very used to hearing patients say, “Really?” when we tell them a dietary adjustment will address an issue they had given up on ever getting better. It’s one of the most fun parts of our work. 

Whatever your goals are, understanding nutrition within your overall health will put you on the right path and give you the tools to thrive. Call the office or schedule an appointment online to get started.