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Online Orders


Get all the supplements you need without coming to the office


Each of these groups of product lines below have their own ordering methods below their logos.

SP Logo.jpg

Standard Process Patient Direct

Standard Process can ship directly to your door when we confirm that you are our patient. Once that is done and you receive your access code, you will be able to order what you need at any time and have it come straight to your home.

If you already have an access code you can order directly right away. Otherwise, click the button above.


Supreme Nutrition Patient Direct

Find all your Supreme Nutrition products here and get them shipped directly to your home. Click below to get started.

Once you have your account set up, you can use the following link for all subsequent orders.

Nordic Naturals logo rectangular.jpg
Seeking Health Logo.jpg

Other supplement companies

Order Thorne, Nordic Naturals, Seeking Health, Genestra and others through our online dispensary called Wellevate.

Use the link below once you already have your registration code.

Please keep in mind that not all products carried in the office will be available for direct to home orders as some are specialty items. If you are looking for something and need help, please don’t hesitate to contact the office or the after hours number.