contact us

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123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

(123) 555-6789


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Link to read me page with more information.

New Patient Checklist

New patients can schedule an appointment only by calling the office at (585) 672-5301. Follow ups can be scheduled online.

  • You will receive an email after scheduling with a link to your online intake forms. Please fill this out prior to your visit.

  • If you are unable to use the online forms, please arrive 30 minutes early to complete them or contact the office for a printed version.

  • Collect any relevant imaging, lab results or health documents for the doctor’s review.

  • Get directions to our office.

Please bring to your first appointment:

  • Completed intake forms OR simply complete the online form

  • Tank top or t-shirt for upper body treatments

  • Loose-fitting shorts or yoga-type pants for back and lower-body treatments

We look forward to meeting you! Please call us at the number above with any questions you may have prior to your visit.