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Filtering by Tag: tahini

Savory Tahini & Ginger Broiled Salmon

Andrew Soucier

Savory Tahini 

1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)

1/4 cup water

3 TBS lemon juice 

2 TBS tamari (naturally brewed soy sauce)

2 TBS maple syrup -optional

1-2 cloves of garlic, minced

pinch of cayenne (to your taste)

  1. In a bowl briskly whisk together the tahini and water until combined. It will look separated at first: just keep whisking!
  2. Add remaining ingredients and whisk until combined. 
  3. Adjust flavors to your taste. Add additional water if you want it thinner.
  4. Serve over grains and greens.

Note: Tahini sauce keeps refrigerated for up to one week.

Ginger Broiled Salmon

4 4-ounce wild salmon fillets

2 tsp fresh grated ginger

2 TBS umeboshi plum vinegar (or use fresh lemon juice)

1TBS coconut oil

1/4 cup water

  1. Mix the vinegar, oil, water, and ginger. 
  2. Place the fish in a baking dish and marinate in sauce for 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat broiler, then broil fish skin side down for 6-8 minutes, depending on how you like your salmon cooked.
  4. Baste at least once while broiling.
  5. Serve, using the remaining marinade as sauce.